Admired in Africa Photographer of 2013!!!
Anyone that knows me well knows that I am my own harshest critic when it comes to my photography. I am always pushing myself to create images that are better than the last time.
Admired in Africa is an invitation only wedding directory that profiles the best wedding photographers in Africa. This year they held their first photographic competition and contestants were asked to enter photographs into various categories ranging from Bride Alone to Action Shot to Reception. I am not naturally a competitive person. In fact I hate any kind of competitive game. However, photographic competitions are a great way of learning and improving one’s work, so I sent in a couple of photographs and promptly forgot about it.
Whilst trying to sign into the dodgy Mauritian internet last week I got an email saying I had won ……THE WHOLE THING! Yip I was awarded Admired in Africa’s top photographer of 2013!
It was a huge and very lovely surprise and a great pat on the back. I also won the Reception category and was placed in a few of the other categories.
I would like to give a great big thanks to all the organisers and judges. I am very proud to be included on this prestigious site.
Here is a link to my profile on Admired in Africa and here is a link to the competition results.
Below you will find the images that I entered.

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