Best Wedding Pics of 2016
2016 sure has thrown some challenges at me but there have also been some wonderful moments and blessings to celebrate!
First off is that I have had a couple of very big affirmations from the international wedding photography community. This year I was placed on the Fearless Photographers top 100 photographers of all time. The calibre of photographers on this list is astounding so this really was an incredible piece of news. Next up was being placed on the SLR top 150 international wedding photographers of 2016 and lastly but certainly not least was winning the Admired in Africa top wedding photographer of 2016! The prize with this feather in my cap was a camera I have been lusting for! I won a Fuji XT2 mirrorless which I am absolutely delighted with. Golly I feel very lucky and this certainly makes all the hard work and long hours worth it.
One of the biggest blessings of 2016 however is the fact that I have had such a wonderful bunch of clients over the past year. Wedding photography has taken me all over the country and in fact the world, but the thing that keeps me keeping on is that I am constantly meeting dynamic and interesting people who inspire me to tell their stories. Huge thanks to all of my clients for entrusting me with your memories and for looking after us so well.
I must also thank all the other wedding suppliers who we have worked alongside this year. We have had alot of laughs over this big bad crazy 2016th of a year! Thank you for all your help and friendship!
Lastly I am extending a huge thank you to my assistant Liz. She has been there for me through thick and thin this year and there are no words to adequately describe how deeply I appreciate all her hard work, loyalty and boundless energy! Liz you rock and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Here’s to a 2017 full of abundance, joy, experience, beauty and peace.

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