Hong Kong Portrait Shoot – Brendt + Saysana

Hong Kong Portrait Shoot – Brendt + Saysana

Brendt and I met in Noosa, Australia way back when the year 2000 was just a young pup. We have hiked in the Himalayan mountains together, survived getting ill in India together, we’ve partied like rockstars in London and lived together in a West Hamsptead apartment reputedly own by George Michael. Whilst we were in India Brendt did a shiatsu course and I guess this sparked his interest in Eastern medicinal practice as it wasn’t too very long after that, that he returned to Austraila to study to become a Chinese Doctor. Upon the completion of his degree he decided he needed to do his Masters in Chinese Medicine in Tawain (!) and therefore also had to learn Madarin. He is that kind of guy!!!!!

12 years past and even though we have always kept in contact via the wonderful world of the internet, we hadn’t seen each other. My going to Hong Kong changed all of that, and it was if not one moment of our physical separation had ever existed. Brendt is truly one of my most favorite people on this earth. He radiates an inner light which draws people to him like moths. He inspires me to be a better person and be kinder to myself in the process and I love him more than words could ever say.

I was so excited to meet Brendts new partner Saysana as I had never heard him so enamoured over anyone before. After only an hour of knowing Says I knew why! He is a remarkable man with the heart of an angel and the presence of a prince ……. and I am just so very glad they have found each other.

Here are some portraits of these two very very special people. Love you both!

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