Unstuck Yourself Photo Workshop – Jozi 2019
This is what Claire Mallon had to say about her experience at the Jozi Unstuck Yourself Workshop in June 2018, and I have to say that this particular workshop was one that I will never forget!
Previously this had been a one day workshop but as there is just so much content to cover I decided that it would be better taught over two days. This proved to be an absolute game changer!
Here’s what I teach on this workshop.
How to:
- Develop your own visual language and style
- Find the clients that resonate with you
- Turn tricky shooting situations into creative possibilities
- Take your images from drab to fab
- Make friends with your flash
- See the light and make the light
- Stay inspired and think out of the box
- Create emotive imagery
- Compose better
- Put your prices up
- Use mindfulness to reduce creative anxiety
- Take better care of yourself for optimum performance
- Put YOU into your work
Your magic is found deep within you, and that’s what I want us to excavate.My Unstuck Yourself Workshop is for photographers who want to evolve, not for photographers who want to try to be someone else. The results of my most recent workshop in Jozi affirmed this.
What I loved about having the extra day is that we were all able to really dig deep as attendees filled out their worksheets in the warm winter sun and experimented with the practical demonstrations with my help. There was also time to engage and learn from the other people in the class and this made for a wonderful atmosphere of support, sharing and growth.
The Parks Natural Light Studio was the perfect place for this workshop and besides all the learning, laughing, worksheets, practical demos and Q&A’s, attendees were treated to a delicious lunch feast on both days and yummy cakes with loads of cups of tea to warm the winter chills.
On the last night of my Unstuck yourself workshop we have fun with flash and made the last shot in the dark with some shebang, and then finished the workshop with a cheese and wine. We were like a family by that stage. There were some tears, hugs and lots of cheers and happy smiles.
I really loved working with this bunch of awesome photographers!!!
Here are some of the images that I took of each attendee whilst demonstrating a different technique along with what they had to say about the workshop.
Mpho Mojapelo: If you can, attend Jacki’s workshop, not only will you learn about photography, photographic techniques, business etc, but you’ll also learn about yourself as a person and what you really want out of life and you career. It was great attending the course with other photographers who were all on different parts of their photography and personal journeys, so much to bounce off, and learn from everyone!
Sophie Smith: I knew that I needed this course, but I had no idea how much I needed it. I knew I was stuck, but I hadn’t got to the bottom of why I was stuck, and how deep rooted those issues were. Jax is incredibly real and also so very generous in sharing her knowledge and experience, not just technical knowledge, but her understanding and her practise of creativity. The insights into her personal story, her work and her experiences are so eye opening and enlightening, from how she got that amazing shot, to what it looks like to burn out and how to avoid it.
Kelly Harmsen: Thanks for creating a workshop that is so unique and relaxing, where photographers can share and be themselves. I really enjoyed getting to know everyone and seeing things from a new perspective.
Claire Mallon: This workshop wakes up that inner creative, unsticks the stuck mind and prepares you for making images in any situation. Jacki has helped me with the birth of my photography career and reminded me that anxiety is normal but need not be crippling. All I have to do is breathe and take the leap. This isn’t just a workshop for your photography business it’s a workshop for the photographers soul.
Simone Osborne: The 2 days made me look deep into myself and be more mindful of my surroundings. I enjoyed every part and every minute of this workshop and it has motivated me to think outside the box and look at every situation differently. It taught me to look where the light is coming from and looking at different angles to be more creative. It was great to meet so many other like minded people as well and thoroughly enjoyed the many deep conversations, tears and laughs we shared as a group.
Bernice Fisher: Jacki’s workshop was so inspiring, and a huge eye opener. I have changed my thinking towards photography and life in general. This is definitely what I needed to give not only my business, but MYSELF a reboot.
Judith Belle: I felt so inspired and alot more confident after this workshop. It’s been over a year since I did it and I am still gaining the benefits. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving.
Being human is a journey and our photography career is part of that. My teachings are holistic and are not just about putting up a light, clicking a button and making money. That’s the easy part. What I teach goes way deeper. I’m not going to give you a shot list and tell you that my way is the right way. I will show you all the “how to’s”. I will show you so many tips and tricks that will enable you to take your images from drab to fab, but it is up to you to use them in your own way, because I want to teach you how to think, not what to think. I want you to get over your own self limiting beliefs and stop the “monkey mind” that is constantly holding you back! I want you to get in touch with yourself and really stand out in this oversaturated market.
If you are interested in attending my next workshop please send me a message by clicking here and I will add you to my waiting list.
Click here to join The Conscious Creative Photographer Facebook group, or click here to join my Jacki Bruniquel Photography Coaching page to stay up to date with my latest news and workshop dates.
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