Best of Weddings 2019
This year has been brutal but it has also been beautiful. There have been hard lessons and huge breakthroughs. It was the year that I sat at the edge of the deathbed of one of my best friends and also spoke my truth in front of some of the best wedding photographers in the world at the Fearless conference in Germany. There were moments where it felt like everything was falling apart and then some extreme highs like whizzing around Bali with my hair blowing in the breeze. It was a year of deep connection and real conversations. It was a year of self-introspection and growth. So I say thank you for the tough times as they always pass and when the winds shift we become stronger and my eyes open with just a bit more conscious awareness. But 2020 can you please be more gentle. Pretty please!
Here’s a quick summary of 2019
I loved my 2019 couples. We shot weddings in Cape Town, Jozi, the Orange Free State and good old Durbs. These took us to fancy hotels, sandstone churches, and the house where the founder of Scientology once lived. What I have always enjoyed about wedding photography is that I get to experience so many different cultures and this year I was so blessed with bookings that truly inspired me. Thank you to all of you newly weds for trusting me with these memories!
I photographed way more family portraits than usual. I used to avoid family portraits but Kirsty’s passing made me grasp the value of photography. When someone dies the first thing we do is look at old pictures. I wanted to make pictures of everyone this year!
I spoke at the Fearless Photographers Conference in Germany, the Photo Video Experience in Joburg and the Photo Fair Africa Expo in Durban. Being able to help others grow helps me grow. Thanks to every one of you who listened to my messages.
We ran 2 very successful 2 day Creative Photography Workshops in Jozi and in Durban called the Unstuck Yourself Workshop and I have so enjoyed seeing all the positive results my students have been achieving.
I won 3 Fearless Awards for my wedding photography which is just so incredibly hard to do these days as they get thousands of entries from all over the world.
I launched the #selfcarecreativitychallenge for the month of November which was just what my soul needed! I will be doing another one in January if you would like to join?
In between all of that I did a month long trip to Berlin and Bali, I spent time with the people who love me, I finally (nearly) finished the décor of the bedrooms and lounge in my house, I rescued a baby kitten, bought a new car and truly grasped the power of regular meditation practice. Oh and I also started gym!!!! WHAAAAT
Huge thanks to all my clients, supporters, friends, family and suppliers who have helped my journey this year. I so appreciate you all!!!

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