Goan Engagement Shoot – Raj and Parrot Entangled in India – Tash + Neil
This is the engagement story of two of my most favorite humans on this planet.
Tash is my wonderful assistant and friend. A women who I love, admire and respect for being such a special person. She is always laughing, always smiling always caring.
We went out to India to photograph the wedding of Shane and Laurie and took a few extra days to explore Goa. Her long time boyfriend decided to come out to join us. One day whilst Neil and I were swimming in the warm calm Indian ocean on Palolem beach he told me that he had brought along a ring destined for Tash’s left hand. It took him a few days to actually pop the question (which was rather hard for me as I am not good at keeping secrets!) And when he did, he did it on a pretty Goan beach at sunset. I have never seen a bigger smile nor a happier face. Tash was literally walking on air!
You may ask why I have entitled this blogpost Raj and Parrot Entangled in India. Well .. I have nicknames for most of the people who I adore. Before arriving in India Tash had her hair dyed purple, turquoise and black. The Indian folk just loved her. Wherever we went we heard people saying (Please imagine this with Indian accent and head wobble at the end) I really really like your hair you look like a (insert either one of these birds) peacock, kingfisher, parrot. Parrot just stuck. Tash’s hairdresser would make a bloody killing in India. As for Raj … well Neil looks like a Bollywood actor and does such a fine rendition of one It just stuck. As for the entangled bit …. well ….. they are rather fond of each other!!!!
Love you both …… And yes I will be shooting their wedding!

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