Hong Kong Engagement Shoot – Laurie + Shane

Hong Kong Engagement Shoot – Laurie + Shane

Shane and Laurie are soul mates. That is for sure! They seem to have a deep understanding between each other which goes beyond words and yet they are affectionate as newly in love teenagers, even after 10 years!!! If I could describe them in a sentence I would say they are “very laid back and extremely devoted”. They are both South African but have lived and worked all over the world ….. they currently reside in Hong Kong on a little island called Lamma. The third photo here shows the view from their front garden! Not too shabby for the big city huh??

Shane and Laurie are without a doubt two of the mellowist and down to earth people that I know. For their engagement shoot, they didn’t want anything fancy so I just recorded our  time together in Hong Kong.The next time we meet will be at their wedding in Goa, India. Jeez I am excited for that. Shane and Laurie, I adore you guys!!!! Please go and have a foot massage and dim sum for me !!!

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Hong Kong baby!

Hong Kong baby!

I went to Hong Kong recently and it has since become my most favorite city in the world (sorry Durban). There are loads of images sitting in my hard drive to share with you, but for now …. here are some photos of Hong Kong through my eyes, just for me.

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