Are you my new assistant???
In case you are new to my work …..
I am a creative wedding and portrait photographer based in Ballito KZN. All of my shooting is done on location and I shoot all over KZN, South Africa and have had a few international assignments to date. My office is in my home at the Mouse House and this is where a lot of the post-production is done, although Liz does work from home quite often.
My assistant’s responsibilities are:
Ensuring all batteries are charged, lenses are cleaned and equipment is in order for shoots
Packing for shoots and making sure nothing is left behind
Assisting me on all shoots
Monitoring memory cards
Working with off camera flash
Working with reflectors and scrims
Ensuring that we stick to schedule
Second shooting during certain parts of a wedding
Keeping a record of all travel done for the accountant
Ordering all slips for tax purposes
Processing images with Adobe Lightroom
Retouching images with Adobe Photoshop
Designing Wedding Albums with ProSelect
Backing up images onto various hard drives
Burning memory sticks for clients
Keeping Calendars in order in the office and following up on workflow
There is a fair amount of PA work to be done like booking flights, car hire etc
Admin work etc
I work very closely with Lizzy at all times. We are practically joined at the hip when things get busy, therefore it is very important my new assistant is an agreeable person who is easy to get along with. They need to be able to work well under pressure and deal with me who can sometimes be ditzy. We are often away together and need to share a room so I am more interested in employing a female. I work on a number of high-end weddings therefore this person needs to be professional, polite, discreet and presentable as they will have direct contact with my clients. I am not interested in employing any chancers who want to work with me for a few months and then go off on their own. It is absolutely vital that this person is 100% reliable and won’t let me down at the last minute. It must be noted that this job involves long hours on the computer and when things are busy it can be a 6 day a week job. We do have our down time though and I do take on less weddings than the average photographer!
Here is my wish list:
A non-smoker
Should have their own transport and a valid license
As I live in Ballito it would make sense that they live relatively close to where I do to prevent huge petrol costs but if you are willing to travel Lizzy has been commuting from Glenwood.
Fast learner
Hard worker
They must be prepared to work long hours, both during the week and at weekends, and carry heavy equipment
They must be prepared to travel, stay overnight on assignments and share a room with me when need be
They should have a valid passport
They must not snore!!!
Assistant is required to be well dressed and groomed on wedding assignments – they can wear whatever they like during normal office hours.
Skilled with Lightroom and Photoshop
If they know Illustrator this will be a bonus
Must have a knowledge of Photography and can shoot in manual
Organizational skills are very important
Diligence and taking pride in work is essential
Honesty and reliability is a must
They need to be happy with working long hours on a computer
This person needs to be able to prove themselves and go the extra mile
I spent many years assisting photographers and believe this is a vital stepping-stone to setting up your own business. I am happy to nurture my new assistant and give them the secrets to the success I have worked for over the years but in return they need to stick around for at least two years and work hard. Wedding Photography at the level that I practice it is incredibly hard work but it is also very rewarding. Every job is totally different. We have shot weddings on farms and fancy hotels, have met so many different types of people over the years and have had so many different cultural experiences. If you love people and love people watching this is the job for you. If you love travel you will fit right in. If you love high paced work that is never boring this is the job for you. If you love retouching pictures and making beautiful work this is the job for you.
The successful applicant will be required to go through an intense training period for office work and shooting work before Lizzy departs. Their full time position will take in to effect in 2018 but they need to be 100% up to scratch before this commences.
Salary will be determined by skill and will be increased as applicant adds value to the business.
Interested persons can send me a CV and a letter motivating why I should hire them. They should also explain why they would like to work with me. My address is jacki(@)jackibruniquel.com If we feel you are potentially the right person for the job there will be a questionnaire to fill out and from there an interview.
Thanks so much for your time.
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