Top 100 Fearless Photographers 2019

Top 100 Fearless Photographers 2019

A friend of mine sent me a message yesterday with some pretty incredible news!

I made the top 100 wedding Fearless Photographers in the world for 2019!

Alot can change in 10 years. 10 years ago I had just started my fledgling career as a wedding photographer. My pictures were rather average to say the least, in fact often they were terrible but I kept moving forward. My aim right back then was to be of an international standard.

I remember when I first discovered Fearless Photographers and how in awe I was of the artistry and pure talent that was featured on this platform. I didn’t think it would be possible for me to win an award, let alone be placed on any of their lists, but I used this platform as a benchmark for what is possible and pushed myself to grow, learn and be inspired.

Does that make me think I am AMAZING – nope. I am always trying to be a better photographer and a better human. Sometimes I fail – sometimes I win. It’s all a journey.

I do believe that we can do most things if we put our minds to it.

Thank you to Huy Fear Less Nguyen for the reminder!

What would you like to achieve in the next decade??

If you would like to jumpstart your photography career and learn to take photos of an international standard I am running two in person creative photography workshops this year.

One in March in Durban on the 17th and 18th of March 2020 and another in Jozi (DTBD).

If you would like more information about my Unstuck Yourself Creative PhotographyWorkshops contact me

Click on the link below to view the rest of the top 100 Fearless Photographers of 2019.…

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2 Fearless Awards

2 Fearless Awards

I have never really been one for competitions in fact I have only entered one photography competition in my whole life. This was the Nikon awards which were held last year and even then I didn’t enter a single wedding pic. A while back I stumbled on The Fearless Photographers site and was blown away. This is a group of photographers who are dedicated to seeing beyond “safe” wedding shots and are pushing boundaries in terms of moment capturing, interesting angles an wonderful composition. Every few months they have a competition and the winners are given “Fearless Awards”. I decided to enter. A few days ago they put about 100 images up to public vote on their facebook page, the 10 with the most votes were then given awards along with the other 110 or so that had already been chosen by an independent panel of judges. 3 of my images made it through to this round but didn’t make it to the finals where photographers are given awards. A whole load of you voted and I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for voting for me. It is much appreciated. 2 other images of mine did however make it straight through to the finals which is just such a huge accolade as I am constantly inspired by this site and cannot believe my images are even anywhere near this level of photography. They received over 2000 entries and only 126 images received awards. Sooo happy!!!!

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