The Mouse House Refurb Part 4

The Mouse House Refurb Part 4

It’s been a while since I have done a Mouse House post! To be frank we moved in and all revamping came to a grinding hault! We were so tired and rather traumatised by the whole building business that we needed a break. I also needed to put my head down and get back to work. Slowly but surely we are picking up the paint brushes and hammers and things are back on track. But for now … Here’s the bathroom story!


The ablution facilities of the Mouse House were stuck in the 70’s and frankly a bit gross! It had a separate toilet, shower room and a room with a bath and a loo. It felt pokey, old fashioned and not somewhere where one would want to spend much time. I am a huge fan of bathing and wanted something light and airy to soak in after a long day of wedding shooting, a bathroom fit for a mermaid!




We had to do alot of bashing and crashing to make one spacious bathroom with a shower, bath and toilet and then a separate guest toilet as there is nothing more annoying than needing to go to the loo whilst someone is taking a long shower.


There were days where I felt like we would never see the end of this!!! We thought the refurb would to take 4/5 months but it landed up taking 9 months!


The bathroom felt like an extremely hard space to design but I absolutely love it now. It is a small area and being on a budget meant that we had to be clever with finishings. Riaan and I have rather different taste which didn’t help the design process but we knew we wanted something that worked with the house but was also modern, something that was light and airy and also mermaidish! (Ok so the last point was more my requirement than his!) The choices out there are endless which can be confusing and I am sure I spent 90000 hours looking at tiles and taps! (my god there are so many awful tiles out there!) The poor guys at Richmond Plumbing must have been so over me at the end of it. I can highly recommend them by the way. They were a huge help and very understanding!


One of the things I most love about our post renovation Mouse House is the corner unit in the bathroom. Despite searching high and low I couldn’t find a unit that could fit into this space. Riaan cleverly suggested buying a normal rectangular free standing cupboard and then cutting it into a triangle and doing the same with a piece of marble for the top. I wasn’t too sure about this idea at first but it worked a treat! I found the unit at A E Write second hand antique dealers on Mahutma Ghandi Road. The marble was a real pain in the butt to source as no one wanted to sell me such a small piece! I searched Durban for days but eventually found a smaller off cut of marble which looks like ice when you look at it up close! It is perfect! The mirror belonged to my Gran and works rather well with the space I thought! You will also notice the copper towel rails made by Riaan.


We chose black slate tile for the floor because I love it and used Johnsons old school 150×150 porcelain tiles with a few funky design interventions for the walls to fit in with the old school vibe of the house. Way cheaper than subway tiles and more authentic to this house. The shower and the side of the bath were treated to some gorgeous blue terrazzo mosaic from Union tiles which we have also used in the kitchen. (that’s my mermaid vibes right there!) You might also notice the wooden door frames and windows were all sanded right down to the original wood and treated. We also stripped the door handles down to copper. Both were an absolute mission at the time but they worked out really well.


I originally wanted a free standing bath but our plumber Mike suggested going and lying in all of the baths before making a decision. The bath I chose is literally the most comfy bath I have ever laid in and can fit two people in rather easily, it was also a heck of alot cheaper!

To soften the overall look of everything our wonderful carpenter Tim made some floating shelves and window sills from old bits of wood that were left over from the refurb. Most of the pot plants were slipped and potted by me!

One of the heroes of our refurb was Mike from Mavericks Plumbing. In an ocean of inefficiency and unprofessionalism that can be the building industry Mike was fantastic and such a great person to work with. I will talk more about Tim Fish when I tell you more about our kitchen but Tim our carpenter is also a peach! I can also highly recommended our tiler Prem Gokool from Ushaka Tiling. It wasn’t an easy tiling job and the guys really went above and beyond! Thanks so much to all of you for a job well done. We are hugely grateful!

Plumbing: Mike Mavericks Plumbing 082 925 3920

Tiles: Union Tiles Ballito +27 32 9460384

Corner Unit: A E Write 

Plumbing Accessories: Richmond Plumbing +27 32 9400170

Glass Shower: Owen from Shower Line 082 900 9342

Waterproofing : Brett Dally 082 850 9540

Marble : Goldie 084 409 21 82

Shelves/ Sills : Tim Fish

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The Mouse House – Demolition Time – Part Two

The Mouse House – Demolition Time – Part Two

I started my First Mouse House Blog with a reference to the fact that “You never know what is around the corner.” This seems to be a bit of a theme for 2016 in Jax land!

In case you didn’t catch that first post, I bought a house and we are now on a huge renovation mission. The plan was for me to document every step of the way but work has taken me away for a large chunk of the proceedings and am currently out of action with my arm in a sling! Yip I fell off my bicycle last week and landed up in hospital with a concussion, a broken clavicle and no recollection of what actually happened! Luckily I had taken some time out of work to deal with the house and the surgery all went well, so besides being an enormous frustration, feeling rather kak with the concussion head and bloody sore in the collar bone area I haven’t been too affected.

On the up side, I recently won the Admired in Africa Wedding Photographer of the year and with this came the incredible prize of a Fjui XT2 which I will definitely be using to take pics of the house! Right now I have been told to rest so …….. Watch this space for new pics.

In the meantime here are some photos of the demolition craziness that has been happening at the mouse house. Most of these were shot by Riaan on his phone.


The pic above shows the wall between the living area and the kitchen which we have now removed to create an open plan space.



Above you will see the old outdated kitchen which has now been removed as you can see below. We are also replacing the old linoleum floors with more tiling and this has meant chipping up the screed which is also a big job. The original old geyser as well as all the plumbing have been replaced and modernized into something more energy efficient. Riaan is going to be upcycling the copper inside of the geyser into light fittings.



And here you will see a pic of the old compartmentalized toilet, shower and bathroom which have been totally gutted to make one more spacious bathroom and one separate toilet.



The floors in the passage and the bedrooms were all covered in old linoleum which we removed to reveal a pretty solid screed. With a lot of elbow grease our builders managed to remove the bitchumen with bitchumen remover. We aren’t quite sure what we are going to do here but I like the look and coolness of screed so I think we are probably going to go with this.


This refurbishing business is incredibly stressful and so time consuming but I am so darned excited to see our vision come to life. This really is a dream come true and even though there have been moments where I have felt like I am about to blow a fuse I am also constantly counting my blessings and giving thanks. I am particularly giving thanks for Riaan who has been my rock through all of this. He is also very clever with design and space so I am very lucky to have him on my team! Next Mouse House post I will introduce you to my new tile obsession and some other people on my team!

The Mouse House Part One

The Mouse House Part One

They say that you never know what is around the corner and I would tend to agree as something rather huge has happened in Jax land! I have bought a house!!!! This was honestly the last thing I ever expected to do this year, in fact 2016 was meant to be the year where I would chill more and take some time out to go India to travel for a bit and not put so much pressure on myself.  Life however had other plans for me and we landed up in a bit of a horrible situation which led us here! And here is not a bad place to be.

The housey which shall forever be named  The Mouse House is a real little gem with loads of character and a viridescent green garden lined with a canopy  of indigenous trees. My favourite thing about the house is that it has a perfect verandah overlooking all the magic. The Mouse House was built in 1967 and it sports some delicious terrazzo tiles which most people would rip out but which I absolutely adore #ihavethisthingwithfloors Riaan would say that the best part is that it is right by a forest and has two double garages and I would say that the best part is that it has soul and a wonderful energy which so many new builds are lacking these days. Riaan loves the 70’s vibe and I love the view. It has however also suffered from some pretty ridiculous design features which were so typical of that time, like compartmentalised spaces, a grotty kitchen and a less than spa like bathroom. Despite these, Riaan and I fell in love with the place the first time that our estate agent Simon Nicholson showed us the property. After lots of chatting and finding ourselves in a position where we needed to move we decided to take on this enormous project and refurb! It’s going to be one hell of a task and there are moments when I wonder what the heck we have done but I know that in the end it will be wonderful to create a space that is uniquely ours.

Whilst I have been all over the country over the past couple of weeks Riaan has started the process and I came home to a building site! The photos below are the before pics. Things are looking quite different today!!! I am going to blog about our progress and they will come in blog posts titled “The Mouse House” The next instalment will be the building site that is currently keeping us both up at night!

Huge thanks to Simon from Remax for just knowing  our vibe!!! Simon was such a star and has helped us at every turn which is great for a first time buyer like myself! You can click here to join his Facebook page. He is a talented writer, an unbelievably inspiring person and a darned good estate agent who wont rip you off. He operates on the Dolphin Coast of Natal. I would also like to mention and thank my mortgage broker Arnold from Ilumina Capital. Arnold has had plenty of years in the banking industry and is a whizz with helping self employed individuals like myself deal with banks. He made my life so easy and is an absolute god-send!

PS I took all these pics of us with a self timer and a tripod! It’s not that easy to do. We took alot of photos to get a few where we don’t look like total chops!

PPS I was never a dog person. I was a cat person. And then I met Riaan and Panther Bear and now we are 3 and I love both of these boys madly.

PPPS One really never knows what is around the corner!!!

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