Best of Wedding Photography 2017
Someone must have sped up the clocks last year. I feel as though it is still June 2017 and yet here I sit on the 3rd of January 2018 about to hit “publish” on my yearly Best of Weddings blog post!
2017 was a crazy year for me and I will tell you why. When that calendar ticked over from 2016 to January 2017 (just a nano second ago!), I was still recovering from a bicycle injury which involved a broken collarbone and a horrible case of post-concussion syndrome. With the help of my dear assistant Lizzy I managed to shoot a number of weddings with said injury and the next moment I blinked I found myself in the heart of the Karoo on the 1st of May celebrating turning 40! In the middle of all this we refurbished an old 1970’s house which I have nicknamed The Mouse House. This was meant to take around 4 months but landed up taking 9 months. I think everyone close to me was very relieved when we finally officially moved in mid-2017. It was a traumatic time, not only for us but also for our loved ones who had to hear us talk obsessively about tiles, taps and building contractors! Once we had moved in I put my work head firmly back on, and before I even knew it I had launched the Unstuck Yourself Creative Photography Workshop that I have been dreaming up since my trip to Bali in 2014. So far I have presented this workshop in Joburg and Cape Town and have another two sold out dates coming up in Durban. I also spoke at two “Be Inspired” wedding photography conferences up in Jozi. All this busyness has meant that we still haven’t unpacked all the boxes or hung up a single picture! On the flip side, I have photographed some very special weddings and done a truck load of smaller shoots too!
I don’t quite understand 2017. It’s been an emotional year. It’s been a year of being totally shaken up and yet it’s also been a year of seeing some of my dreams come to actuality. 2017 has without a doubt been the most taxing, and ironically fulfilling, years that I have experienced in my 40 years on this planet.
One thing I am very sure of is that gratitude brings blessings. I am so darned grateful to have moved into The Mouse House and to see the fruits of our blood, sweat and tears! I am also extremely grateful for the beautiful people that come into the view of my lens. This gratitude that I have seems to bring more equally inspiring clients into my life! And because of that, I will continue to thank 2017. I have worked with such lovely people this year yet again. Thanks to all of you for entrusting me to eternalise your memories! Thanks also to the lovely people who have attended my workshops and talks, and all the suppliers who have helped me along the way. I feel very lucky to get to work with such gems!
Enormous thanks to Lizzy who has assisted me for the past four years and has stood by me through thick and thin! Love you girl! Thanks also to Chanelle Segerius Bruce who has been helped me so much not only as a business coach but also a friend. Last but not least thanks to my family and friends, and especially to Riaan for holding me when I needed it and celebrating when those times came!

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