Ode to the wedding shoe – My approach to visual communication.
People often ask me how I come up with such different photos every time I shoot a wedding. Sometimes it’s an easy process and the creative ideas just flow out of me, other times it’s hard and I really have to work at it. It would probably be far simpler and less time consuming to keep churning out the same old imagery on every client, but that is not who I am or what I stand for. I have the spirit of an artist and it is therefore important for me to tell stories with images and to create something unique and different for every client. I like to think that this is one of the reasons that people book me!
So let’s take something rather “boring” and analyze how I approach it.
How about shoes?
I have to say right now that I am not a shoe girl. Yes I have a pair of Meow Boots from Irregular Choice but I am not one of those girls who could think of nothing better than shoe shopping on a Saturday afternoon. I do however see that photographing the wedding shoe is a way of communicating a story.
I always ask my clients if they would like me to photograph their wedding details. Some people couldn’t care less about shoes let alone a photo of their shoes, others have spent years dreaming up which pair of Jimmy Choos they will wear on their wedding day! Every client is different.
The choice of shoes a bride will wear on her wedding day will tell us about something about her. The girl who walks down the aisle barefoot will be very different to the girl with the sparkly slippers.
When photographing details like shoes I use the theme of the wedding to inform where and how I shoot. I want the shoe shot to tell the viewer something about the day of the wedding and the person that wears them. For me, each image I photograph is another link in the overall story.
Here are a few shoe shots so you can see what I mean ……….

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