Bali Family Portrait Shoot – The Down's
Amy and I first met in the UK when I was just a 22 year old newly graduated fine art student still wet behind the ears. We lived together in a crummy semi-detached house in Kentish town with a bunch of other Antipodeans. In the years that followed we became very close. Aims saw me through various bar jobs, broken hearts and bouts of home sickness. We also danced the night away on numerous London dance-floors, spent time doing yoga in the Himalayas and sailed around the Whitsunday islands. I was there when she first met Brad and we all became a tight knit family during those London days. As with most stories, chapters come to a close, and we went home to our different continents and didn’t see each other for over ten years. In that decade apart we went on different journey’s and walked on different paths but the Down’s remained deeply entrenched in my heart.
September 2014 arrived and we found ourselves in Bali at the same time! To me, the sign of a soulful true friendship is one where years can pass and it is easy to pick up where you left off. Amy and Brad I do believe you are my soulmates and although we may live in different places our hearts will always be connected. Thank you for for your generosity and for the time that you gave me. I love you both dearly and it was so special to meet Harrison and Ava.

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