Portraits of Jo

Jo has led an inspiring life, woven with vibrant threads that create the rich tapestry of her story. Just like the beautiful fabrics she’s collected from around the world, her journey is diverse and colourful. She spent significant time traveling through Central America in her youth and has tales of mining for opals, living on the shores of Lake Atitlán, and discovering embroidered treasures from local Mayan women. Like a magpie drawn to shiny things, Jo has a love for gemstones and became a jewellery designer who seeks materials from far and wide to craft her exquisite pieces.

She is a creative spirit with an eye for beauty who also creates it. She’s a spiritual seeker, a businesswoman, a mother, and a treasured member of her community. I find her truly fascinating. When we first discussed her portrait session, I knew I wanted to capture an image that reflected her travels as well as the quirky aspects of her personality. Jo isn’t one for flimsy high heels; she’s more of a dusty boots and barefoot gal. She mentioned feeling awkward in front of the camera and that she hates it—something I’ve heard many times before. But honestly, she was a dream to photograph, and I think the results reflect her vibrant essence!

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Bali Family Portrait Shoot – The Down's

Bali Family Portrait Shoot – The Down's

Amy and I first met in the UK when I was just a 22 year old newly graduated fine art student still wet behind the ears. We lived together in a crummy semi-detached house in Kentish town with a bunch of other Antipodeans. In the years that followed we became very close. Aims saw me through various bar jobs, broken hearts and bouts of home sickness. We also danced the night away on numerous London dance-floors, spent time doing yoga in the Himalayas and sailed around the Whitsunday islands. I was there when she first met Brad and we all became a tight knit family during those London days. As with most stories, chapters come to a close, and we went home to our different continents and didn’t see each other for over ten years. In that decade apart we went on different journey’s and walked on different paths but the Down’s remained deeply entrenched in my heart.

September 2014 arrived and we found ourselves in Bali at the same time! To me, the sign of a soulful true friendship is one where years can pass and it is easy to pick up where you left off. Amy and Brad I do believe you are my soulmates and although we may live in different places our hearts will always be connected. Thank you for for your generosity and for the time that you gave me. I love you both dearly and it was so special to meet Harrison and Ava.

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Afrika Burn 2014 – Tankwa

Afrika Burn 2014 – Tankwa

I have always wanted to go to Afrika Burn, and this year I did!! What is Afrika Burn you ask? It is an arts festival which is held in the desert in Tankwa National Park some 18 hours away from the green lush beaches of Natal where I live. Why would I want to head all the way down there? Who wouldn’t want to go to a giant dress up party where people ride unicorns and dance under a blanket of Karoo stars? I cannot think of any reason to not want to experience a place where random acts of kindness are encouraged, and whimsical self adornment is a dress code! Afrika Burn is a festival where anything goes and the reality of typical life is left behind in the dust. Nothing can be bought or sold during the festival, gifting is a core value and the act of leaving no trace is a rule.

They say that you will never be the same after experiencing an Afrika Burn … the truth is that my life had changed so much before arriving in that dusty pan that I couldn’t understand what that actually meant. Now I do!

Will I be back next year? Damn straight!!!!

Huge thanks to all my camping compadres! My time at Afrika Burn could have never been the same without this very special chosen family. I feel so hugely lucky to have experienced all that we did with all of you! Love you all!!!!

Also huge thanks to Patrick from Outex South Africa for getting my Outex system to me in time. Looking forward to working more with you. Keep an eye out for my product review to follow shortly along with pics from the dust storm we found ourselves in!

All pics are were shot with my Nikon D4, Nikon 24-70mm 2.8 housed with an Outex!!

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